How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
In the opening sequences of the film se7en, 25 titles were displayed. The titles were, the name of the movie, The actors, the director, and everyone who helped with the production of the movie. This includes who the film was written by, the executive producers, co-producers etc.
What images are prioritized in the opening scene?
The images in the opening scene are ones that would be seen in an investigation, which are a bit disturbing. For example, within the first 10 seconds of the opening sequences, there is a pair of hands on a table that appears to be all mangled up. Other disturbing images include, people with bloody and disfigured faces, also another pair of hands that appeared to be cutting their fingers off with a razor.
What connotations do the image carry?
The images in the opening sequence carries an ominous feeling. All the images were disturbing, and all seemed to be negative. So the images probably suggest that throughout the movie, there may be various scenes that are a bit gory.
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
Horror/ thriller being the main genres of the film, is why the technical code of the opening sequences is the way that they are. Because the genre is horror and thriller the titles have to give you a feeling that something bad is going to happen as it does. The opening sequences gives me an idea of what the movie is going to be about. It creates a spine-chilling vibe.
How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The images in the opening sequences, would have people a bit confused because so many disturbing images are appearing along with titles. The enigma of the outset would have people wonder what exactly is going on, as all the weird images are appearing.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The target audience of this film would be those interested in horror/thriller movies. The strategies that the movie uses to have it appeal to its target audience is that in the opening sequences you see that the titles in the film are twitching creepily as they appear, and why the images are disturbing. This gets them pumped for whats about to come.
How has technology been used effectively?
The way that technology has been used was to make the opening sequences of the film look creepy. One form of technology that was used, was editing software that they used. With the editing software, the producers we're able to make the outset look frightening and creepy. For example, in the images of the outset an editing transition I saw is how those images. cutaway on each other. Another technique that was used is how the titles appear instantly after the other, while they twitch in an unusual manner.
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