Monday, February 24, 2020

filming blog: stroll through the park

 This past weekend my group and I have filmed a good amount for our project. I am excited for the next time we film again. It was a blast recording with my group mates and they would agree. At the sometime we were all also very productive in getting our work done.While we were recording I got a couple of cuts. So to avoid any infections we used the first aid kit that we brought with us. Another annoying problem that cut our filming time short were the mosquitoes.They were absolutely terrible, so next time will be prepared with bug spray. We decided to film at Hugh Taylor Birch state park. When we got there we spent a good amount of time finding a filming spot.
 Originally we were going to film on the road inside the park. But since it was the weekend cars and people kept passing by so it was really hard to film consistently. Every time a car or person would come by we had to wait and stop filming. So we decided to go to our second filming location. Our second location was a trail that did not have as many people. This made it a lot easier to film our scenes. For one shot I had to climb a tree and it was very well worth it. Due to me climbing the tree this is also how I got my cuts. Over all the filming went great and we had all of the necessary props needed. Here is a picture of a scene that we filmed down below.

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